
Showing posts from July, 2021


Ladies and Gentlemen... Boys and Girls... I said when it came, it would be good. Two HUGE ANNOUCMENTS.  1. You can now confidently set your reminders and refresh your NETLFIX accounts. KOB 2 is officially landing on August 27th, 2021. No going back now.  2.  KOB 2  is no longer called KING OF BOYS 2.  Why?  Cos it's not a FILM.  It's a 7-PART LIMITED SERIES!!!  YES... You heard me right. SEVEN!!!! SERIES.  Now called KOB: THE RETURN OF THE KING!!!  See you on AUGUST 27TH!!! 🙌🏾  LET'S GOOOOOO!!!  #KOBArmy⚔️


PASTOR, ALOYSIUS CHUKWUEMEKA OHANEBO @ 77 --------------------------------------------- The way Pastor Ohanebo look and move after 8 decades of life tells me  • Holiness is Healthy! Happy birthday daddy... May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied upon You Sir... We join the Host of heaven to celebrate a Gift from God  to this dispensation. A servant of God who has kept His apostolic calling unspotted from the dents of mondaine matterialism.  An up holder of the faith, a preserver of the pure Gospel..  A faithful builder after the patterns of the ready established foundations of the scriptures..  As you came after the order of Elijah and John the Baptist may God raise men in this growing generation who will walk after the same patterns of your breed. Even when you become 80 then will your zeal still be as fresh as when you were 43.. Your strength will not be abated, your eyes will not grow dim. Your anointing will not diminish. Your passio...


 To a Father To a Leader To a Teaching Priest To a Shepherd To a Mentor To a Role Model To a Pastor To the Moses of the Hour To a Kind of Abraham To a Man who has never stopped following God To a Man whose Ministry has the Purest of Foundations To the General Superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Happy Birthday Daddy Aloysius Chukwuemeka Ohanebo . God bless you and Keep You!!! GOD KEEP THE KING 💖💖 DADDY @77 #cvcreativity ©️2021 ©️®️VINCENT OLUWATIMILEHIN